Fifii Mensah
9 min readFeb 14, 2021


Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting (2018)

I am writing this summary in honor of the 17 people 
who lost their lives from the Stoneman Douglas Shooting
 that took place in Parkland, Florida 
on February 14th 2018:

Alyssa Alhadeff, 14 (5.1.2003-2.14.2018)
Scott Beigel, 35 (10.22.1982-2.14.2018)
Martin Duque, 14 (9.4.2003-2.14.2018)
Nicholas Dworet, 17 (3.24.2000-2.14.2018)
Aaron Feis, 37 (5.17.1980-2.14.2018)
Jaime Guttenberg, 14 (7.13.2003-2.14.2018)
Chris Hixon, 49 (2.25.1968-2.14.2018)
Luke Hoyer, 15…



Fifii Mensah

I like to write/type reviews on various things from food, gaming, current events, etc.